I played ClearCase too much recently that it stopped working on my desktop. My final attempt was to switch the albd account for the albd service on my desktop; and after that every local dynamic view stopped working. And everything related to albd service as well.
The albd service was up running. But it was not listening on 371 port (using "netstat -a"). The error message was like
"Could not contact albd server... [WINSOCK] Connection reset by peer...";
"albd_nt_init: Call to CreateFileMapping().. albd_svc_nt2.c\471"; and
"albd_contact call failed: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = [WINSOCK] Connection reset".
The only suggestive information I got from the internet was to change the value in HKLM\system\CuttentControlset\Control\Session Manager\Subsystems\Windows. In the string ...SharedSection*,*,*..., increase the third column from 512 to 3072. But even this failed.
My colleague volunteered to help me on this. He sat down beside me, took over the mouse, and .... started to dial IBM support. Unfortunately, the IBM support did not know more than I do, and he told me that he could do nothing more before I could to make albd service listening on 371.
I was in no mood of arguing with him, so I did what I could do as the last resort: reinstalling ClearCase. And guess what? It worked.
1 comment:
Hey, I just got the same error. can't get to deliver. When you reinstall clearcase client, did you have to remove views on your client? or it is not necessary to remove views?
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