Friday, March 14, 2008

CCRC deliver_complete Trigger

All the other triggers work well in our CCRC environment except one. Our deliver_complete trigger did not create the baseline and recommend it as expected.

# create the baseline
$cmd = "cleartool mkbl -c \"$dlvracts\" $basename";

# recommend the baseline
$cmd = "cleartool chstream -recommended $bl $stream";

The workaround is to create a dynamic view on RWP server and use the -view option in the mkbl command.

$cmd = "cleartool mkbl -c \"$dlvracts\" -view myViewTag $basename";

I hope IBM will fix this in the next release. Otherwise, we have to create a view for each stream for the deliver.

The print statement in the trigger script does not work well in CCRC environment. When debugging, it is better to write to a local file on the RWP server. And make sure that the file is accessible by the web account.

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