Thursday, June 4, 2009

Run InstallShield ISCmdBld.exe under cygwin, ssh

After installed and configured cygwin (sshd) in the Windows build server, I tested the ssh connection without any issue. The next step is to launch the InstallShield command line builder ISCmdBld.exe through ssh from my UNIX build box.

ssh myUserid@myWindowsBuildServer "cd /cygdrive/e;/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/InstallShield/2009/System/IsCmdBld.exe -p CBFE_Build/IS_Projects/myProject.ism -z BUILD_VERSION=${BUILD_LABEL}"

Nothing happened. The command prompt returned immediately. After more testing, I found out that if I logged in to the Windows build server using myUserid, or other id, I had no problem running ISCmdBld.exe in a cygwin session. However, logging in through ssh from other boxes (UNIX or Windows) did not work. It was not X server. And it was not the ACL on the executables. Even power user group is not sufficient.

Finaly, by adding the user to the Administrator group on the Windows box, the problem solved.